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EasyPIC™ v7 Development System :
-- programmer and In-Circuit Debugger for more than 250 microcontrollers .
-- DS1820 digital thermometer and LM35 analog temperature sensor (options) .
-- Piezo buzzer for sound signalization .
-- I2C EEPROM to store config data .
-- Organized PORTs, buttons,LEDs,switches and pull up and pull down resistors .
-- PIC18F45K22 device .
-- USB cable .
-- IDC10 connectors for further expansion.
-- User Manual and Board Schematic .
-- DVD with documentations and examples in : mikroC, mikroBasic and mikroPascal .
-- LCD, GLCD (options) .
-- 4-digit 7seg displays .
-- Organized functions zones .
3 in 1 :
Development System + USB 2.0 programmer + mikroICD (In-Circuit Debugger)
>>>>> mikroProg for PIC, dsPIC and PIC32 :
- Smart engineering supports 574 PICs devices ( Microchip Microcontrollers ).
-- In-Circuit Debugger : debug and monitor code execution on the chip itself.
-- Supports in 9 mikroE compilers.
-- Fast USB 2.0 programmer.
-- Elegant design : Compact and slim.
-- Colour indicator LEDs.
-- Outstanding performance, easy operation.
-- Certified for Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 operating systems.
PIC Compilers
Raspberry Pi B+
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